Tawave 2024

October 25 - 26, 2024
Mon Rêve Ecogreen Resort, Taranto - Italy
Event by:
Logo Larry Agency
SurfHers organizza il Tawave


Tawave edizione 2024

October 25 - 26, 2024

Mon Rêve Ecogreen Resort, Taranto - Italy

Event by:
Logo Larry Agency
SurfHers organizza il Tawave

Cosa è successo al Tawave 2024?

La V edizione del TAWAVE è stata un Business Retreat: una full immersion tra talk, workshop e momenti di team building con esperti del settore digital e delle nuove tecnologie.

Two days of training on

Employer Branding

Artificial intelligence

Team Management

Personal Branding on LinkedIn

Le aziende del Tawave 2024

Logo Exprivia
4M Logo
Logo To Be Accelerator
Logo Provinciali

I professionisti che hanno partecipato al Tawave 2024

Clicca sulle immagini per conoscerli meglio.

An experiential weekend of workshops, talks, networking and team building at the Mon Rêve Ecogreen Resort.

One of the most evocative places in Taranto, a stone's throw from the sea.

MonReve Resort

Al TAWAVE 2024 hanno partecipato HR Recruiter, Project Manager, Communication e Marketing Manager e tante altre persone che credono nella formazione come valore aggiunto per la crescita personale e professionale.

MonReve Resort

Le più belle immagini dell'evento

The Tawave 2024 Programme

Friday 25 October

Business Retreat:

Training activities

Work in a group to expand skills and team spirit.

I workshop sui temi della Metodologia Agile, Personal Branding su LinkedIn, Metodologia Lego Serious Play, Team Management e la nuova Leadership gentile sono stati d’ispirazione per il futuro professionale delle persone che vi hanno preso parte.

The Main Talk

With visionaries riding the wave of change with us.

Gli speech di esperti nel settore dell’Employer Branding, Neurobranding e Intelligenza Artificiale hanno travolto le centinaia di persone che erano presenti.

The Networking party

Un party esclusivo in compagnia di esperti e professionisti del mondo digital.

Una sera d’ottobre si è trasformata in un’esperienza sorprendente: abbiamo condiviso idee e visioni per il futuro.

Saturday 26 October

Business Retreat:
Mindfulness lesson and Workshop

The final sprint with experiential activities and workshops

Prima di salutarci ci siamo goduti un momento di relax per poi catapultarci nei workshop sulla Metodologia Agile e sul Public Speaking.

Much more than a training event

Business Retreat

October 25 - 26, 2024

reserved for companies

Team solutions

From 1 to 3 members 3,500 euros

From 4 to 5 members 5,000 euros

Main Talks

October 25, 2024

Open to the public

Listen and meet visionary professionals who will come together to address topics such as Neurobranding, AI, HR Management.

You'll meet:

Moderated by Alessandro Ladiana.

The Talk is free

Networking Party

October 25, 2024

Open to the public

At the end of the Talk you will be able to participate in the exclusive Networking Party for a contribution which will give you:

Places are limited

I Partner Tecnici di Tawave 2024

Logo Medical Center
Logo MIT
Logo Miva


Of course, there are two ways of participating in TAWAVE. 

  1. TWO-DAY BUSINESS RETREAT (reserved for companies).
  2. MAIN TALK ON 25 OCTOBER AT 6.30 PM (open to all).

Of course, you can participate in the TAWAVE Talk, which is also open to freelancers.

Of course, we believe that new stimuli are fundamental to improving work and the relationship between collaborators.

The certificate issued by Larry Agency, certified ISO 9001:2015 – IAF CODE SECTOR 35 37, which collaborates in the organization of the event with the surfHers Association and in the training part, will certify your participation in the event.

You can write an email to the address evento@tawave.it and our fast and enthusiastic team will respond to your requests.

The amount must be paid in full upon signing the contract by bank transfer.

Of course, it could be the right opportunity to introduce you to this fantastic world.

The Networking party at the end of the Main talk, on 25 October, is an opportunity to meet with other professionals in the sector to discuss their work, exchange ideas and opinions. It is a precious opportunity to establish new relationships that will strengthen your professional network.

No, following the free Talk you will be able to participate in the Networking Party for a fee. Contact us to participate.

Yes, the talk is free upon registration on this page.

Hai bisogno di informazioni sul Tawave?
